Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Craft of Cooking

"Craft. It doesn't arrive on your doorstep, wrapped neatly, or bubblewrap protected. It doesn't arrive. Ever."

Chef Shuna Lydon wrote those words a few days ago. She is someone I very much admire and respect. More than a chef, she is in it for the cause, and believes to her core in what we do. Cook. Create. Nourish. Guide. Teach.

Cooking is not mysticism. It is not art. It is, at it's core, a craft. A calling. A vocation. Electrician, plumber, mechanic, chef. Anyone can learn to cook elegantly, simply, professionally. You only need the right values and attitude to see you along the journey. Dedication, loyalty, integrity. Skills can be taught, they can be learnt but your values cannot. Who you are never changes. You cannot learn integrity. You cannot understand dedication if you do not possess it. Loyalty is pure blind faithful devotion. These are part and parcel of you. Engraved, instilled and set out to breathe in the decanter of you. Are you trustworthy? Are you dependable? Are you reliable? Can you be counted upon? Will you be there when the kitchen gets slammed and everyone is sinking further and further into the weeds? Will you look out only for yourself or will you throw a lifeline to the person next to you. It has been said that half of life is merely showing up.

Show up.

The kitchen is the crucible of the cook. It is what tempers you, forges you, hones you. It shapes you and guides you. It is knowing and learning. Watching and repeating. Endless repeating. Repetition and redoing. Soak up everything your chef is willing to teach you. Humbly. Respectfully. Gratefully. Do not be cocky. Do not be flashy. Do not be mouthy. What you know outside the kitchen, who you know, where you've been or where you are going mean nothing to anyone. In the shimmering heat of the burners with 15 tickets being fired and 15 more being ordered, all that matters is right now. What do you know right now. What are you doing right now. Where are you right now. Who are you right now. I need that tuna for table seven right now. Now. Now. NOW. NOW.

In a kitchen you are lit up and everything about you is on display for all to see. Your now. Naked. Bare. Uncovered. You cannot lie in a kitchen. There is no dissimiltude. There is no pretence. You cannot fake knife skills. You cannot pretend to have speed you do not possess. Your are either precise, accurate, and uniform or you are not. You either work clean or not. You are either prepared for service or you are not.

Be prepared.

Quietly, efficiently, effectively and attentively. No one will hand you the skills you need to learn on a silver platter. No one but you can strive to acquire this knowledge. No one but you can learn what you need to learn. No one but you can practice for you. No one but you can dedicate yourself to this. No one but you can push for the knowledge and drive to succeed. If this is truly something you want, you are the only one that can fight for you.

Chef Lydon said something else about becoming a chef.

Suit up, show up, shut up.

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